

创作人: 刘洋、于晨阳
作品《前程似锦》以圆形作为构图的基本元素,采用色彩的明度对比,运用简约的线条再现出一个少年成长过程中的精彩时刻,从孩提玩耍到事业有成,逐渐成为一个有担当、有责任 感的人。作品采用铝板印刷工艺绘制出多种鲜艳多彩的花卉纹理,借此祝愿每一个正在成长中的人,一路上都有繁花相伴,前途似锦,未来可期。

Bright Future

The circle is the fundamental element of the composition of the work Bright Future. Using color brightness contrast and brief lines, the work reproduces wonderful moments in a child’s growth. The playful child gradually grows into a successful and responsible adult. Aluminum plate printing technique is used to produce variously colorful patterns of flowers, expressing a wish that all growing young people will be accompanied by blooming flowers along the way and have a bright and promising future.